
E-Book Collection
7 E-Book Flash Drive
Keep all of our core e-books in one handy place with this e-book flash drive. It includes these foundational titles:
-The Cross Is the Key
-Love, Identity, & Purpose
-Free Indeed
-Hearing God
-Basic Training
-Setting the Captives Free
-Discovering Financial Freedom
The Cross Is the Key
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18
The Christian faith is full of symbols, types, and shadows. However, the Cross is perhaps the most recognizable Christian symbol of all. Yes, it represents the method by which Jesus was crucified and the compelling message of the Cross which includes not only Jesus’s death, but also His burial and resurrection. The power of God is the message of the Cross but we often fail to understand that a deep and profound meaning lies in this simple and common symbol.
Understanding the message and significance of the Cross is crucial to living the abundant Christian life. If we are going to be disciples of Jesus Christ and make a difference in the world around us, we must understand and appropriate everything Jesus did for us at Calvary. God longs for us to grasp the full impact of Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection because there is so much power in what He accomplished.
The Cross is the Key to unlocking the wonderful life we have in Jesus because the message of the Cross is the power of God.
Printable study Manual:
Love, Identity, & Purpose
Down through the centuries, man has struggled with the question about the “meaning of life.” In considering this, one may be asking about the essence of life, about life’s purpose, about whether anything matters, and a host of other things. However, at the core, we are really asking:
Who am I? Why do I exist? Am I worthy of love?
The good news is that God answers these questions for humanity and that His plan has always been for YOU to experience the amazing life that He passionately created for you to live here on this earth and forever in eternity. Ordained before the foundation of the world, you were chosen in Him to walk in Love, Identity, and Purpose as you step into communion and personal relationship with Christ Jesus.
Join Terry Moore as he takes you on a beautiful journey in discovering your true identity. You’ll find that what makes this book so uniquely powerful is understanding that this is your individual journey. As you move through the pages, you’ll be struck by the depth of revelation of God’s never-failing love, and will begin to walk in new freedom and the fullness of destiny He has for you.
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Printable Study Manual:
Free Indeed
The world over, people are searching for a life that has purpose, love, and the hope of freedom to be who they were created to be. The journey to wholeness and healing may seem too difficult for you–wounds, hurts from the past, family patterns, and generations of dysfunction, troubling self-doubt, and negative self-talk, unbelief, broken relationships, and unforgiveness. Where do you begin?
Terry Moore invites you to explore the love of God the Father, the work of Christ on the Cross, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the truths of Scripture as he presents a roadmap to discovering and understanding the obstacles that have held you back from living a fulfilled, abundant life.
Join him in this insightful, life-changing book and discover what it truly means to be FREE INDEED!
Printable Manual:
Hearing God
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 10:27
For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it.
Job 33:14
There is no question that the Lord speaks to us. But are we listening to what He is saying?
There are a number of ways to improve and increase your ability to hear the life-giving words God speaks to you. In his book, Terry Moore will discuss five key principles to sharpen and enrich your practice of hearing from God. He will also uncover the many ways God communicates today to His people. Through this book, you will examine and explore how to know when God is speaking and what He is desiring to communicate.
Hearing God will take you on an exciting journey of growing in fellowship with Him and walking in His ways as you respond to His voice.
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Printable Manual:
Basic Training
When new recruits enlist in military service, they must undergo a strict and challenging regimen of exercise and discipline in order to prepare them for the demands of life as a soldier. It is required. The same is true with Christians in the army of God.
In Basic Training, Terry Moore takes readers through a “boot camp” of spiritual challenges and disciplines. Upon graduation, you’ll find yourself emerging a skilled warrior and a humble servant, ready to help bring Jesus to a hurting world.
Printable Manual:
Setting the Captives Free
Ministering to Others Through the Holy Spirit
Our families are crying out for peace and a release into purpose and destiny – to leave behind the baggage and the weight of the challenges in life that they have been carrying. There’s an answer and way out of the bondages, out of the darkness, out of prison.
Through the truth of God’s word contained in this book, you will step into new levels of freedom and you will get to bring others along with you as you Set the Captives Free!
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Printable Manual:
Discovering Financial Freedom
Everyone has to deal with money—no one is exempt.
Author Terry Moore had a dream to make one million dollars by the time he was thirty years old. In the early 70s, he received a bachelor’s degree from SMU in Dallas, Texas with an emphasis on finance and real estate, and he set out to do just that. Unfortunately, the education he received taught him the world’s way of handling money—borrowing from one bank to pay another and operating from debt.
That changed in 1982 when God changed his life.
Since then, Terry studied God’s word and made changes to how he handled money accordingly. In Discovering Financial Freedom, Terry outlines exactly what he learned about money and God’s provision. Whether you are married or single, have children or not, Terry’s story will help you understand how you can live in financial freedom.

Becoming One
Marriage Manual
Discover the beauty and wisdom of marriage as we explore what God says about marriage in the Bible. “Becoming One” offers timeless guidance for building a strong, loving, and enduring partnership based on faith and commitment.
Success in Succession
Strategic Tools for Graceful Transitions
Contrary to the common belief that transitions are always difficult or messy, Success in Succession offers a compelling perspective—that transitions can be not just navigable but enjoyable. Drawing from personal experiences in ministry, Terry Moore and Chris McRae detail their account of organizational transition as well as bring insights to maximize the divine shifts that await all of us.
Without a biblical roadmap, you might be tempted to exit your transition prematurely or stay past your due, but within these pages lies the wisdom to navigate this crucial phase with grace. Success in Succession equips you to conquer fears and embrace God’s tranquility amidst monumental change.
This book strikes a balance between success stories and cautionary tales and stands as a beacon for organizations and individuals alike, catering not just to transitioning pastors but extending wisdom to students, job changers, and anyone poised for change.
Whether transferring authority, stepping into a new role, or merely witnessing a transition, this book promises not merely good ideas but godly insights. Amidst the whirlwind of constant change, find solace in the unchanging heart of God and join the journey to enrich your world in the process.

Free Printable Resource
Apostolic Prayer Card
This Scripture resource is available for you to download and print. I encourage you to pray these prayers from the bible for yourself, your family, and the people in your sphere of influence. You will be blessed and will grow in your walk with the Lord.
For a younger audience…
Children’s Curriculum
Love, Identity, & Purpose in Christ
1st-3rd Grade Leader’s Guide
From the very beginning, God showed us His love for us, our Identity in Him, and our Purpose on earth. Jesus came to restore us back to what God showed us in the very beginning.
The lessons in this book are adapted from Pastor Terry Moore’s equipping series, specifically the “Love, Identity, & Purpose” book. These lessons are designed to teach students about God’s original plan and design for them.
These materials were adapted from over 30 years of messages from founding pastor Terry Moore. Each series is designed for children to help them know who they are in Christ.
Children’s Curriculum
The Cross is the Key
1st-3rd Grade Leader’s Guide
The Cross is perhaps the most recognizable Christian symbol of all. The message of the Cross includes not only Jesus’s death, but also His burial and resurrection. The power of God is the message of the Cross but we often fail to understand that a deep and profound meaning lies in this simple and common symbol.
The Cross is the Key is a series of lessons to help students understand the message and significance of the Cross. If we are going to be disciples of Jesus Christ and make a difference in the world around us, we must understand and appropriate everything Jesus did for us at Calvary. God longs for us to grasp the full impact of Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection because there is so much power in what He accomplished.
The Cross is the Key to unlocking the wonderful life we have in Jesus because the message of the Cross is the power of God.
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Children’s Curriculum
Free Indeed
1st-3rd Grade Leader’s Guide
Jesus came to earth to “set the captives free” – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to do the same. The lessons in this book are adapted from Pastor Terry Moore’s equipping series, specifically the “Free Indeed” book.
These lessons are designed to teach students about the freedom that we walk in as followers of Jesus Christ and how to help others experience the same freedom.
These materials were adapted from over 30 years of messages from founding pastor Terry Moore. Each series is designed for children to help them know who they are in Christ.
Children’s Book
Love, Identity, & Purpose for Littles
Ages 0+
Down through the centuries, man has struggled with the question about the “meaning of life.” In considering this, one may be asking about the essence of life, about life’s purpose, about whether anything matters, and a host of other things. However, at the core, we are really asking:
Who am I? Why do I exist? Am I worthy of love?
God answers these questions for humanity in His Word, the Bible. As you declare these truths over your children, you are sowing seeds of truth that will produce tremendous fruit.
View the coordinating Activity Book! It is full of faith-driven activities for Ages 3-10 that is designed to be used in tandem with Love, Identity, & Purpose for Littles. Each page from the children’s book has corresponding pages in this Activity Book to help repeat and expand the concepts. It is intended to promote independent activity for your child and encourage engagement between parent and little.
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Children’s Book
The Cross is the Key for Littles
Ages 0+
Often times we miss the simple, yet deeper meaning behind the message of the Cross. The Cross represents so much more than just our forgiveness of sins.
This book helps children to understand the full message and significance of what Jesus did for them at the Cross and how it relates to their day to day life. The Cross is the key to unlocking the wonderful life we have in Jesus because the message of the Cross is the power of God and his unfailing love for us.
View the coordinating Activity Book! It is full of faith-driven activities for Ages 3-10 that is designed to be used in tandem with The Cross is the Key for Littles. Each page from the children’s book has corresponding pages in this Activity Book to help repeat and expand the concepts. It is intended to promote independent activity for your child and encourage engagement between parent and little.
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Children’s Book
Hearing God for Littles
Ages 0+
Hearing God for Littles helps children discover that God speaks to them in many ways. Through easy-to-understand rhymes, prayers, & verses, your little one will learn that God’s voice is always there to guide them.
As they grow in faith, they’ll begin to recognize how He speaks and learn to listen for His loving direction in their daily lives. This book offers parents a wonderful way to nurture their child’s relationship with God and teach them the importance of hearing His voice.
View the coordinating Activity Book! It is full of faith-driven activities for Ages 3-10 that is designed to be used in tandem with Hearing God for Littles. Each page from the children’s book has corresponding pages in this Activity Book to help repeat and expand the concepts. It is intended to promote independent activity for your child and encourage engagement between parent and little.
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