Reading Text – Ephesians 1:1-18
We looked at Ephesians 1:1-7 and I hope you are encouraged about how we are blessed In Christ. We literally have every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. That means that we lack nothing to be who God called us to be. However, we know that the enemy of our souls is constantly trying to get us to a place of unbelief that we have all we need. You may say, I don’t feel blessed – but remember – we don’t live by feelings. We live by the Word of God. We want to learn how to confess the Word because God said it.
Paul is praying to the Father who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. We read in verse 5, that this is in accordance to the good pleasure of His will. God is good and we need to see Him as a loving, heavenly Father. The greater our revelation that we have of Father God, the more effective our prayer life will be. If we don’t have a good picture of who Father God is, our prayers will be impacted by how we see Him.
True success is coming in complete agreement with who God says you are. He chose you and predestined you and blessed you before the foundation of the world. So, as we agree with His plan for us, we are successful. God planned for you to be here at this time, and it pleased Him.
True success is coming in complete agreement with who God says you are. He chose you and predestined you and blessed you before the foundation of the world.
God has made these things abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence. Another translation says He lavished these things on us! What does that mean to you – to be lavished on? Father God did that for you! And in all wisdom and insight he made known to us the mystery of His will. That means in all the wisdom of heaven and with all the understanding, we get to know God’s will.
Verse 11-12 tells us, “In Him, also, we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted Christ should be to the praise of His glory.” I don’t often refer to the Message translation, but I like the way it spells it out. “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, He had His eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose He is working out in everything and everyone.” God has His eye on you and is working out in everything and everyone!
There are no mistakes – you are not a mistake, no matter where you are today. Take this opportunity to pray to the Father to open your eyes to see the mystery of His will and that you will walk into your part of His will today, so that you can be who He created you to be, so that you can cooperate with Him who is working out in everything and everyone.