Bearing Fruit

Bearing Fruit

13 In Matthew 7:16, Jesus tells those following Him to beware of false prophets, saying “You will know them by their fruit.” He goes on to illustrate that we cannot get grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles. Every good tree bears good fruit, every bad tree bears bad fruit. Good cannot bear bad and…

Hope – 2022

Hope – 2022

12 It is hard to believe we are starting a new year.  I guess as the older we get, time seems to move much quicker than when we were young.  But this I know- It is hard to believe we are starting a new year.  I guess as the older we get, time seems to move much quicker…

Thanksgiving – 2021

Thanksgiving – 2021

10 We should be the most thankful, grateful people on the face of the earth. When we realize what Jesus has done for us, we should be thankful not just because it is Thanksgiving, but every single day of our lives. In 1 Chronicles 16:8, David writes, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon…